Category: Collections

Short story collections.

Serene Morning & Other Tales of a Little Girl

Serene MorningSerene Morning & Other Tales of a Little Girl by David Michael


A small collection of flash fiction and short short stories inspired by a little girl.

“The Puppets Take a Bath” – Three year old Serene put down her spoon and her right hand became a puppet. With her fingers together and her thumb working as the lower jaw and tongue, the puppet could talk…

“Trikes and Aliens” – The little girl walked up to Rala and stood there, watching him as he repaired his zip-about…

Plus 4 more!

Available in trade paperback and ebook formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, Kobo, Smashwords, and more!

Nasty, Brutish & Short Short

Nasty, Brutish & Short ShortNasty, Brutish & Short Short by David Michael


A collection of violent horror flash fiction and short short stories by David Michael.

“The Call of the Hunter Moon” – Violence is easy. You just let go. Your hands become claws for ripping. Your teeth bare, you snap, you grab, you tear. You smell the fear, savor the screams, taste the blood…

“Tucker” – When I arrived, the boy stood there surveying the chaos he had wrought, gloating over it all–except for her. He wouldn’t look at her. She knelt by the body she had once inhabited, her physical face now unrecognizable in the gore…

“Crowfeeder” – At our arrival, the closest of the black carrion birds startled. A ripple like a wave in a black ocean flowed across the field as the birds flapped into the air, reconsidered once they saw how few we were, and settled back to continue gorging…

And 10 more!

Available as an ebook from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, Kobo, Smashwords, and more!